Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Trend I love!

Anyone who has perused my closet knows that I'm a hat person. I love wearing hats! They're great to add some personality to an outfit, or cover the greasy hair you haven't washed in days. However, most of my hats sit on the Newsie side of the spectrum.
Yesterday I was a very bad girl, and decided to spend most of my afteroon shopping. I bought some very cute items that I cannot wait to wear (hello heather grey!), and saw even more cute items that I simply put on my wish list. One of these wish list items, is a new hat. But not just any hat, not another hat that resembles the same style I already love. No, this was a big round carry-me-off-to-the-ocean-and-let-me-sail-away type hats. Imagine Samantha in Sex and the City (the movie) when she first eyes her lucious next door neighbor- but with less flair.

Maybe it's because in a months time I will be going on my very first cruise. And not just any cruise, but my dream cruise. A cruise of Egypt. And am I excited!! So I feel like I should celebrate this amazing adventure by making a bold and stylish fashion statement. And I imagine myself making this statement with a light and summery dress, big round sunglasses, and a glorious new straw hat!
[all images found via weheartit]

xo, jenn


{eleise} said...

I love hats! I can't pull them off very well but I sure do try hard to! =)

Jenn said...

I'm sure you look great in them! I'm going today to find out if I can pull off this big hat... but I've been dreaming about it, so it must be fate that I own one, lol.