Monday, December 6, 2010

Before and after!

As part of my 4 Simple Goals, I wanted to create a serene resting/working space in my bedroom... which I have. And now, I'm going to share an embarrassing before photo and some preeeeeety after photo's. My room is super tiny, and I have a lot of stuff so I think I did a pretty good job of utilizing my space. :D

So, that's a before shot... when I was still living out of suitcases and rummaging through boxes. Soooooo scary!

And after!! Isn't it lovely?

The room lacks a closet, so I had to utilize a corner of the room to hang shelves and clothes. THIS was a tedious task... complete with pouting fits. I was at Lowes almost everyday for a week returning and exchanging!

Pretty hangers!! So far I only have a few, but I'd like them all to look pretty.

I had to rearrange the room like 5 times, trying to figure out the best placement for my bookshelf. Maaaaajor pouting fits ensued, but I really like it's final resting place.

And since painting isn't allowed, I just covered the walls with pretty pictures and photographs!!

Do you have to do your crafting at home? Or do you have a separate space to do it all? I can't wait until I'm rich enough to rent out a studio space for all my jewelry making... I would have so much fun making that cute too! <3, jenn

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A great weekend

Sometimes us girls need to have a little face-time with Mom... and that's exactly what I got this weekend! My mom (AKA Momma Bear), treated me to a much needed visit, and I can't wait until Christmas when I get to see not only her, but my beloved sister as well!

We didn't go anything too exciting, but it was just nice to hang out again. Momma Bear arrived late Friday night, and we went to out to dinner at an awesome restaurant called Fairground Inn and had ourselves some yummy Italian cuisine. I had classic spaghetti and meatballs, and my mom had stuffed peppers (which is what I'll be getting next time I'm there!).

Saturday was an all day shopping event. We started the day with a bite to eat at the restaurant I work at, Tilted Kilt. We chatted with the girls, and even had a few laughs with a few of my regulars. Then we braved the mall. We found some pretty awesome deals (my favorite being a pair of gray jeggins on sale for $10, originally $40) and I even picked up a few Christmas presents! Yay me!! After the mall we took a quick detour to Bed, Bath, and Beyond for a little browsing and a massage... yes, a massage. Who could pass up testing THREE massage chairs on display after a long day of shopping?? Definitely not us. We finished the day with a tasty salad from Panera and our Italian leftovers while we watched Letters to Juliet.

Gotta say, cute movie. Wanna know what's really fun about it though? Having actually been to Verona, and jumping excitedly with my mom when we spot the custom apron shop next to Juliet's house. Yeah, we're silly like that.

Today Momma Bear had to begin her long journey home early, as it started snowing overnight and there were already a couple inches on the ground. I was bummed to see her go, but the couple nights that we got to hang out were definitely worth it.

I hope everyone else had a magical weekend!
xo, jenn

PS- I would have loved to post pictures of our weekend adventure, however my little point and shoot camera was badly destroyed Thursday night. Sad panda Jenn.... let the pouting fit begin...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

30 Days of Blogging

The other day I was perusing my friends Facebook statuses, and I noticed a few of them declaring that they would attempt to be Facebook free for 30 days... Well, I commend them for their effort, but I've met me- I couldn't go 24 hours without checking my account. But I started thinking about what other personal challanges I could set for myself when it hit me. 30 straight days of blogging. I've neglected my poor blog so much in the past 6 months, and with the new year coming quickly, I thought it would be a great way to ring in 2010. Also, it should help me defeat the winter blues!

If you have any ideas or suggestions, or a few questions, PLEASE share them. So far I only have a few ideas for posts, and I really want to make this happen!! Stay tuned!
xo, jenn